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Meet – Kési Felton

Kesi Felton portrait

Kési Felton, Digital Marketing “Padawan” (she/her/hers)

Hometown: Acworth, GA

School: Howard University ‘21

Major: Journalism (with a minor in Sociology)

Why did you choose to “Go Mixte?”: I wanted to find social justice marketing agencies to learn from as I work on communications and social media with various Black-led community organizations. My goal as a Digital Marketing Apprentice is to continue learning how to best use digital platforms to amplify the voices and stories of those spearheading social change. Most importantly, my goal during my time at Mixte is to learn how to better use my voice and story as a young Black woman in America throughout my work in storytelling and communications.

I believe I come to Mixte with the balanced perspective of both on-the-ground Black community organizers and political communications specialists as well as the experience from other digital agencies. I believe both aspects, actually being connected to one’s community but equipped with the digital tools to amplify their messages to achieve positive social change, are imperative for effective social justice communications. and it’s what I’m hoping to build on as I grow at this social justice digital marketing agency.

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