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What Teaching Taught Me

UCSD students in classroom

Who inspired whom? I’m not sure I can answer that question. Today, on Bike to Work Day in San Diego County, I had the pleasure of riding to UCSD to speak with a class of “society and advertising” students.  The professor tasked me with sharing real-world examples of my work to give their theoretical practice perspective.

I shared my work “greening” Hondas and selling “honorable” characteristics about single-family housing developments where orchards once thrived. The lecture became an opportunity for me to explore my professional history and truly answer the question: “how did I get here?” Truth is, that my early professional endeavors provided me with plenty of opportunities to do great work that exactly conflicts with my ethics. My personal values. My belief system. The way I live my life.

Thankfully, I didn’t compromise, I embraced my stubbornness and set out to do it another way.

And it’s been successful. I couldn’t have gotten “here” without the perspective of “there.” And I’m thankful for each and every professional experience that has fueled me to this point.

In those moments of sharing these examples with these burgeoning young professionals, I got a taste of the life of a student. I remember those days. Young minds filled with energy and enthusiasm for changing the world. In particular, two young scholars approached me afterward to talk about Starbucks on campus, how it came to get approval and what they can do to fight. In a moment’s notice, I brainstormed some ideas and offered them my perspective.  Call me, I said, if you want to check in our brainstorm again because I love what you’re doing.

And I do.  Not just because they are university students rocking the cause of local, fair trade business, but because they are exactly what I want to be when I grow up. Unafraid to let status quo be and unafraid to fight.


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