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Why This Environmental Communications Company Joined California’s Blue Business Council – Simply, We Care

Staff pouring coffee

Are you catching on yet?

At Mixte Communications, we do things differently.

We empower staff to work from wherever.
We only work with nice companies.
We ride bikes. And carpool.
We love local business.

And we’re one of three San Diego companies committed to the Blue Business Council, a network of business partners who are informed about and actively engaged to protect clean and plentiful water in California .


But, we wish we weren’t different. We wish we were absolutely average. Maybe even below average.

Because in order to strengthen California’s economy, we must enact laws and policies to make the state’s waters clean and protect our scarce resources. That’s what Blue Business Council members believe. That’s why we promote our shared environmental goals and values with integrity.

What good is any business, any employee, any office space, and any home without water? We simply can’t exist.

In 2014, California Coastkeeper Alliance launched the Blue Business Council based on the belief that a healthy ocean and coast and clean water is vital to California’s economy, public health and way of life. Some members like New Belgium Brewing, Patagonia, REI, Kleen Kanteen and Ryan’s Bros. Coffee might more obviously predicate a need for clean and plentiful water.


But so does Mixte Communications, a public relations agency working on social and environmental causes.

We need paper. And clothes. And desks. And computers. And beer.

All of these things require clean water. It is our business obligation to do what we can to keep California, and our community in San Diego, properly quenched. We can’t survive without it.

That’s why I wish we were below average.

While our San Diego-based public relations business will do what we can to generate better water policies and conserve what we use, we know so many other larger, more influential, more water-use intensive businesses in San Diego and California should be leading the Blue Business Council to make better water and more available for everyone.

And for each of their companies. It’s just good business.

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