Since I was a little girl, my mother always said I took a firm stance on justice and if something was out of line I had a passion for making it right. But no, I didn’t pursue a degree in Political Science if you’re wondering. I’m a proud Psych major who is a bona fide Creative. 

Growing up my sisters and I were heavily involved in community service activities due to my mother’s leadership in the community coalition development and substance use prevention space. These experiences helped shape my views and expanded my emotional intelligence. It molded me to be an empathetic, natural advocate which is why I have an affinity for improving the lives of others. This shows up in various forms. One of which is Project Management.

With a wealth of experience as a Project Manager, I excel in navigating the complexities of managing multiple projects with competing timelines. My organizational prowess and impeccable attention to detail ensures seamless coordination, and my project management capabilities shine in maintaining clarity, prioritization, and achieving overarching organizational goals.

When I’m not maintaining team sanity, I switch out my hat to enjoy my other passion, art. As a professional artist and small business owner, I utilize my gifts not only as a temporary escape from everyday life stressors but also to allow others to enjoy the fruits of my art. I am powered by Joy.

If one were to ask what my greatest accomplishment is, without a doubt, my answer will always be my son. He is the motivation behind everything I do and why I strive to show up and be the best version of myself everyday.

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